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Rocking Your Role with Jenny

Premiered 09-17-2013 Jenny Garrett on being a Woman Bread Winner. 

Jenny Garrett MA is a sought-after executive coach, author of Rocking Your Role, the how-to guide to success for female breadwinners, speaker, and founder of Reflexion Associates leadership consultancy.

Jenny mentors women entrepreneurs and executives internationally for the Cherie Blair Foundation and ASPIRE programme and was a finalist for the PRECIOUS Mentor of the Year 2012. She is a selected Sage Business Expert.

Jenny was honoured to be listed in LinkedIn Uk’s Top 10 Power Women 2013 and is Vice Chair of the TwentyTen Club, an award-winning organisation and website committed to connecting, supporting and inspiring Black female entrepreneurs and the enterprising women of the future.

She has been a guest on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour, featured in Magic FM’s Book Club and been quoted and written articles for numerous publications. She is a blogger for the Huffington Post, and has been quoted on the front page of The Daily Telegraph on the rise of stay at home fathers being fuelled by the growth of female breadwinners.

Jenny’s clients are:

*Women executives and businesswomen who want to manage their lives more effectively and realise their potential.
*Organisations that want to make the most of their leaders, to maximise performance and productivity.

Jenny’s work is characterised by having, depth, personalisation and meaning, or some would say ‘soul’


Rocking Your Role
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See her videos, Would you follow you? And the trailer for her book ‘Rocking Your Role’


Phone: +44 (0) 844 776 4744

Twitter @jennifergarrett,

LinkedIn jennygarrettreflexion

Facebook Reflexion.Associates



I have read Jenny’s book and understood the need for balance in our lives. Also the permission we need as breadwinners to be the high earners Rocking our Roles and letting go of the guilt of trying to be everything to everyone.

Sara Troy

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