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BB 18-20 Mind X Magazine Keeping the Mind Engaged

Building Your Business with Sara Troy and her guest Cecilia Velasco, on air from May15th

Mind X Magazine is a brain exercises magazine that circulates for free across Vancouver Island. The goal is to promote brain fitness in the community in a fun and entertaining way while promoting local businesses through advertising.

The magazine is available in more than 120 different locations across Vancouver Island including grocery stores, public libraries, recreational centres, shopping malls, professional buildings and on BC Ferries.

MXM focuses on puzzles lovers of all ages and is becoming a people’s favourite publication. The main audiences are men and women between 40 to 75 years old, however, people of all ages are becoming readers and fans very quickly.  It is a great publication to enjoy hours of fun and entertainment while completing mental games that go from crosswords, sudoku, word search and much more.  Ideal for commuters, for waiting at airports, bus stations, hospitals or doctors’ offices or simply to take a break from screens and electronic devices.

Readers grow in numbers with every issue, MXM has the highest pickup rate among other free circulation publications in Vancouver Island.  Businesses enjoy a great and focused exposure as people take several minutes on each page while completing mental games.  People take the magazine home and keep it for weeks before recycling and getting the most recent issue. MXM has become popular in different groups as a community builder, metal therapy tool and as a helper to overcome loneliness and boredom.


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Since MXM started, we have doubled printing numbers to 20,000 and have increased the number of issues per year. The plan is to reproduce the model in other communities that can benefit from the entertainment of mental games and the local business promotion in different communities.

Cecilia has been in Victoria for 10 years.  She moved from her beloved Mexico City with her husband and 3 children following her husband’s professional career.  She had the opportunity to work for the Public Health Association of BC, a not-for-profit organization that advocates for public health issue across the Province, for 8 years. During her time at PHABC, she learned and became aware of the importance of health promotion and specifically mental health and brain fitness.

Her academic background and experience in starting businesses back in her home country helped her to develop the concept of Mind X Magazine. Her main goal at Mind X Magazine is to provide the community with a fun and entertaining free publication with purely brain exercises that will provide hours and days of entertainment while engaging the brain in mental activities that will benefit their wellbeing.  The free of charge publication will benefit local businesses with promotion and exposure in a direct, and affordable advertising opportunity.  And lastly, the publication will allow the non-for-profit organization to promote their activities with an in-kind donation when space is available.

Cecilia is passionate about contributing to the promotion of brain fitness in the community.  She has reached thousands of people through MXM, and her readership and popularity grow with every published issue.

She enjoys networking, meeting people from different fields, and she loves connecting people that can benefit from mutual collaboration.

Before her time at PHABC, Cecilia worked from 2007 to 2009 for another non-for-profit, The Robert Bateman Get to Know Contest, where she had the opportunity to manage a National Art contest that combined three of her other great passions in her life, children, art and the environment.



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