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C21-25 Deidre Sirianniis & A Radically Aligned Life.

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Deidre Sirianniis , on air from June 22nd

Deidre Sirianniis the founder of Radically Aligned, where she serves a community of impact-driven entrepreneurs, coaches, leaders, and visionaries on their journey of healing, integrated change, and making the biggest impact through their work.

She is a TEDx Speaker, Leadership Coach, and Spiritual Guide who believes the foundation of fulfillment and impact comes down to intention and living in alignment with your purpose.
She lives and serves her community nomadically and has had the pleasure of supporting hundreds of people on their journey of awakening to their highest selves and full potential.

If you know that you have a big message to share with the world and you have trauma to heal, blocks, behaviors patterns to transform, gifts to activate within you, and a message to serve the planet with then she may be the coach and guide for you!

The four stages she supports her clients with are:

  1. Heal and release past trauma
  2. Integrate change
  3. Activate highest gifts
  4. Make the biggest impact

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Deidre is the founder of Radically Aligned Life and is Accelerated Evolution Guide who believes the foundation of everything comes down to living in alignment with your purpose and truth.
Her work dissolves mental, emotional, and physical barriers that are pulling you out of alignment with your higher purpose and from living it fully. She supports people to reach their next level of fulfillment, joy, and success through blending the metaphysical laws and tools with the practical for accelerated results.
Her mission is to wake as many people up in her life to the truth of who they are and who they are meant to be.

Deidre Sirianni


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