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23-15. I am a Dreamer

 Sara’s View of Life with Sara Troy, on air from April 11th

The end of a day must be as calming as the start of a day, for in your dreams you are laying foundations for what is to come, and when you awake in your knowingness you are guided to what can make those dreams come true. Dream well and welcome a new day with enlightenment.

Where do the seeds of our possibilities grow?

Where do our dreams come from?

Where do we find the courage to build that dream?

Where do we find the knowledge to succeed?

That desire that lays within you is that a dream? that energy called excitement that is unleashed on an idea that became a dream.

We need dreams for they are the foundation of all that is, all that can be. So how do we honour that dream, that idea? how do we fuel it into a picture that can be seen?

Paint the picture, vivid and alive so that you are clear on what it is, start seeding and watering the idea into action with stragic steps building a foundation to grow from. Nurture it protect it, allow it to grow in its own light and then guide it gently along its path to live.

Never give up on your dream, but remember visions change so do the directions of dreams. As long as the core of that dream is still alive, the redirection is just the universe showing you what you need to fulfil that core and make the vision happen.

Be willing to take a totally new path, for it may be the path to that dreams meaning. Remember to be aware of those around you and interact, for you never know who may have that nugget of info you need to grow.

Remember to be patient for dreams do not manifest overnight, and only grow at the rate they are meant to along with your loving care and conviction.

In the end, your dream may look totally different in reality, but as long as you have been true to the meaning of the dream, the core, the principle, the authenticity, then what you have now, is what you were always meant to have…this I know all too well.

So dream well, dream big, but be prepared to take action in all directions to fuel this dream into fruition, nothing happens by just dreaming it, you have to take action on that dream to build it.

I had a dream, I thought it was to be taken in one direction but was redirected to another. When I first started the journey, I had no idea that this was my dream all along. I got out of my way and kept walking forward in belief and purpose, now I am where I should be and know what wonders lay before me, I love who I am doing what I am doing because I fed the core, was flexible but steadfast and willing to bend but stay strong.

This is the picture of my dream and I am almost all the way there in making it fully happen.

You too can live you meaningful purpose dream.

Sara Troy. Owner.Host. The operator of Self Discovery Wisdom and The Art of Positive Living and Orchard of Wisdom org.

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