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MH23-35. Deborah L. Staunton and (DMDD)

Mental Health Awareness with Sara Troy and her guest Deborah L. Staunton, on air from August 29th

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) is a condition in which children or adolescents experience ongoing irritability, anger, and frequent, intense temper outbursts. The symptoms of DMDD go beyond a “bad mood.” DMDD symptoms are severe.

I am the daughter of a mentally ill alcoholic father and the mother of a mentally ill daughter. At that time it was a brand new diagnosis, very little was known about it and there were no resources for parents. Now that she is 18, her diagnoses have changed and while they are still challenging, I have insight and clarity that I didn’t have then.  Sharing my experience and what I learned from it can help parents who are on that difficult journey with their own kids. It can save them some heartache and provide validation and support. Mental illness still has a lot of stigma associated with it and removing that stigma is an important step in supporting those who suffer from it and those who love them.

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Deborah L. Staunton was raised by a mentally ill father and is raising a mentally ill daughter. She came to motherhood late after enduring four miscarriages and despite having an extensive background in Early Childhood Education, has had an extremely difficult journey in raising two neurodivergent children. Writing has been Deborah’s lifeline and her passion since childhood and has kept her grounded when her life was unravelling.

 For Parents of Children With DMDD Support Group is:


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