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Own Your Money

If you’re reading this, YOU HAVE TIME, time to take another step, breathe another breath and make a better YOU.  Regardless of your journey, your story, your lot or your birth order, imagesmmmYOU STILL HAVE TIME to make a difference in your life and the lives of your loved ones, your friends and for that matter, the universe at large. Your money dictates your life, if you have or have not, how to get it, how to keep it, how to save it  how to protect it. Be you rich or poor are all governed by these thoughts. We want to know that we can afford our life style, afford to marry buy a home, raise some children and afford our old age, Money is not the culprit but just a tool, and when you know how to use that tool with the right mind set you can make that tool work for you. This is what we will be doing on these shows, Helping you overcome your adversity with money and learn how to use this global tool that helps you build a better life for you and yours.

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Show Host

 “Jeffrey A. Forrest”  is a thirty-seven year veteran of the financial services industry.  As a rookie adviser, Jeff embarked on a knowledge quest to learn all he could, eventually acquiring eight advanced degrees and is currently half way through completing his doctorate in Global Training and Development.  He learned though that regardless of what you might know or learn, or what licenses you are bestowed with, if you get into bed with the wrong people, it can ruin a hard earned reputation in less than seven seconds!

Having the opportunity to start over at the age of 54, Jeff’s story is one of courage, challenge, tenacity, resolve and faith.  Having to look deep within his own soul, Jeff had to determine exactly what he believed in, what he would stand for and stand against.

Now as a seasoned, experienced, caring and battle scarred financial services veteran, Jeff’s wisdom is sought after by truth seekers. His ability to holistically understand not only his client’s entire financial and estate matters but more importantly, their life values, their objectives and their life’s desires allows him to connect and serve them so that they will leave lasting multi-generational meaningful legacies.

Jeff’s way of being, of doing, and energizing inspires people to want to do more, be more and have more peace of mind.  His fingertips are just moments away from providing valuable resources just when you need them and his network of key contacts continues to expand world-wide.

Finally, and most importantly, Jeff married his college sweetheart, Pam,  thirty seven years ago and together they have raised three beautiful, independent and loving daughters, who, so far, have blessed them with four grandbabes.  They reside in the quaint resort town of Avila Beach, California and can often be seen riding their bicycle built for two, with their pomeranian–Rambeau–riding in the front basket along the Bob Jones Trail.



Personal site

The CORE Financial Facebook Fan Page:  /TheCoreFG

My Personal Financial FaceBook Page: /jeff.forrest.921

YOUTUBE Story of “The Bus Crash”: (Identifies your Money Personality)  (Measures your Money Infidelity with your Partner)


A hedge fund we worked with imploded in 2007. I was the “whistle blower.” I called the SEC and worked hand in hand with the SEC to directly and indirectly help my clients recover as much of their original investment as possible. This resulted in a recovery of 50% to 93% of my client’s money. I was asked by the SEC to be their Key Witness in the event the case against the hedge fund management went to trial – I agreed. I stood firm and accepted my responsibility in doing everything I could possibly do to protect my clients and was therefore in the middle of legal, arbitration, and media events for about 2 years. Due to this experience, I decided to never again allow my clients or myself to be exposed to the type of risk, volatility, or potential loss of money that investments in hedge funds offer. It is for this reason that I have branded myself as “YOUR SAFE MONEY FOR LIFE COACH”. If you have any questions about anything in this summary of qualifications simply ask and I will provide you with additional information. I look forward to coaching and guiding you toward a life of financial freedom interlocked with guarantees from great companies worldwide. Email:

Past Show Descriptions

P14/52a Seasonal PLV Hosts Message - Airing December 30th-Jan 5th on Positive Living Vibrations with Sara Troy and our PLV Radio Hosts. Sara Troy. Positive Living Vibrations and Ask Sara Host. positive-living-vibrations/          & /ask-sara/ It has been a wonderful year here at PLV Radio, I have been blessed with dedicated Hosts who bring you each week such inspirations and … Continue reading P14/52a Seasonal PLV Hosts Message
P14/26a Your Money is a Tool - Airing July 1st on Positive Living Vibrations with Sara Troy and her guest Jeffrey Forrest our new host on PLV RADIO. I happy to announce that Jeff has joined us here on PLV RADIO with his own show                       “Own Your Money” débuting July 1st We … Continue reading P14/26a Your Money is a Tool
15/06 “What are my 7 Pillars to Financial Freedom?” - AiredJanuary 13th-19th on Own Your Money with Jeffrey A. Forrest Repeat Throughout the past 37 years, many of my clients have asked:  What are the keys to creating financial peace of mind?   What steps do I need to take to be financially free?  How do I know that I’ve covered all my basis? If these … Continue reading 15/06 “What are my 7 Pillars to Financial Freedom?”
15/04 “The Parent Care Conversations” - Aired October 28th and January 27th on Own Your Money with Jeffrey A. Forrest My wife and I curled up on the sofa a few weeks bank and watched (again) The Notebook.  Do you remember how they took off to the hereafter in the movie?  It was touching, tugging and tearful to watch. Do you … Continue reading 15/04 “The Parent Care Conversations”
15/01“Kick Start your 2015….NOW!” - Airing January 6th on Own Your Money with Jeffrey A. Forrest Hey listeners….do you want 2015 to be your BEST YEAR EVER….from a financial standpoint?    If you do, then be sure to TUNE IN TUESDAY as we kick off the year.  If not, TUNE OUT and peace be with you! Seriously, I will be sharing … Continue reading 15/01“Kick Start your 2015….NOW!”
14/49 “Go for the Strategic Byproducts—A reason to GET INVOLVED” - Airing December 9th-15th on Own Your Money with Jeffrey A. Forrest Have you ever been asked by a close friend or an associate, to join them in putting on a BIG EVENT?  What was your reply?  Why did you say YES or say NO?  Separate and distinct from the heavy lifting or blood, sweat and … Continue reading 14/49 “Go for the Strategic Byproducts—A reason to GET INVOLVED”
14/47 My 5,000 Closest Friends on Facebook! -  Aired -December 1st-8th on Own Your Money with Jeffrey A. Forrest How in the world does someone gather up 5,000 friends (The maximum allowed by FB) over a few years and what in the heck would you do with them?  With the miracle of modern science and the internet, the world has changed and will … Continue reading 14/47 My 5,000 Closest Friends on Facebook!
14/46 “How to attract massive enrolment” - Airing November 18th-24th on Own Your Money with Jeff A. Forrest You’re working on a huge project whereby you must help attract 500+ people to come to your event.  How do you do it?  What tools should you use?  What about graphic content on your flyers, posters, website?  What social media outlets will you use?  … Continue reading 14/46 “How to attract massive enrolment”
14/45 “Prevention on Purpose” - Airing November 11th-17th on Own Your Money with Jeffrey A. Forrest The western medical community seems to spend a lot of time focusing on your PROACTIVE PREVENTION?  and treating those with prescription drugs and if that doesn’t work, surgery.  The symptoms are derived from a root problem.  There are a group of doctors called “Upstream … Continue reading 14/45 “Prevention on Purpose”
14/44 “Losing Money is No Longer and Option” - Aired originally September 2nd on Own Your Money with  Jeff Forrest Repeat As and investment adviser, I had the opportunity to make millions on behalf of my suggestions to my clients and to lose millions on behalf of my clients.  After having two major market drops, in excess of 50% and after having one of … Continue reading 14/44 “Losing Money is No Longer and Option”
14/42 “What’s the Connection?” - Airing October 21st-27th on Own Your Money with Jeffrey A, Forrest  This week I had the opportunity to watch the documentary film narrated by Katie Couric, titled FED UP, which exposes the  major ploys by the food industry, to cover up what is perhaps the biggest economic threat to our society.For years, the Tobacco Industry … Continue reading 14/42 “What’s the Connection?”
14/41 Successful Retirement - Originally Aired October 14th-20th on Own Your Money with Jeffrey A. Forrest and his guest Rick Bell Join me this week and I have the opportunity to “pick the brain” of one of the most successful retirees I know…Rick Bell.  Mr. Bell started at the age of 22 with Pacific Gas & Electric Company in Avila … Continue reading 14/41 Successful Retirement
14/40 “Along Comes Hope!” - Aired October 7th-13th on Own Your Money with Jeffrey A. Forrest and his guest Jenny Mulks Wieneke, Six years ago, Jenny Mulks Wieneke, a single mom was laying in her hospital bed in Texas, battling for her life in a bout with cancer.  Thank God that she calls herself a “Cancer Thriver”, just like Oliva Newton-John.  … Continue reading 14/40 “Along Comes Hope!”
14/39 “The Millennials are Upon Us! - Aired September 30th-October 6th on Own Your Money with Jeffery A. Forrest and his guest Brett Dorren Last week, I heard that by the time 2025 comes, 75% of the work force will be made up of Millennials.  Every 9 seconds of every day for 18 years, another baby boomer will retire.  UPS changed their entire … Continue reading 14/39 “The Millennials are Upon Us!
14/38 “All Generalizations are false…including this one!” - Airing September 23rd-29th on Own Your Money with Jeffrey A. Forrest Have you heard the phrase: “All Generalizations are false….including this one? I did years ago and that phrase stuck in my head for a couple of decades now.  In my regular travels from to and fro, it is amazing how many “generalizations” I have … Continue reading 14/38 “All Generalizations are false…including this one!”
14/37 “Are you Reckless, Risky or Responsible” - Airing September 16th-22nd on Own Your Money with Jeffrey A Forrest In terms of the way that you handle your money now….your estate matters…..or your future financial foundation how would you describe yourself: Reckless and Carefree, Risky but Protected, or Responsible and Ready? TUNE IN HERE FOR NOW Tune in next Tuesday and we visit … Continue reading 14/37 “Are you Reckless, Risky or Responsible”
14/36 “Your Buck Starts Here” - Airing December 30th-January 5th on Own Your Money with to “Jeffrey A. Forrest”.  All of us have heard the phrase: “The Buck Stops Here!”The saying “the buck stops here” derives from the slang expression “pass the buck” which means passing the responsibility on to someone else. Where in YOUR LIFE are you “passing your financial responsibility”off … Continue reading 14/36 “Your Buck Starts Here”
14/33 “And they lived Happily Ever After!” (NOT!!) - Aired DECEMBER 23RD on Own Your Money with Jeff Forrest. As a young child, I remember the nursery rhymes and the children’s books and the Disney Movies which always had the same ending: “….and they lived happily ever after!” Now that six decades are almost under my belt, the reality is a bit different. One-half … Continue reading 14/33 “And they lived Happily Ever After!” (NOT!!)
14/32 “This is NOT your father’s annuity!” - Airing August 12th-18th on Own Your Money with Jeff Forrest For NINGA trained financial advisers, a proper annuity can be a deadly weapon against the risks of becoming a bag lady! Annuities have been around for a couple hundred years and believe it or not, innovative insurance companies have continued to evolve, modify, create and … Continue reading 14/32 “This is NOT your father’s annuity!”
14/31 “Who needs a check up…from the neck up?” - Airing August 5th – 11th on Own Your Money with Jeff Forrest.  Zig Ziglar was a friend of mine.  As one of the leading worldwide motivational speakers, prolific  author, and philanthropists, it was a pleasure having the opportunity to meet not only Zig, but his famous “red-head”herself, Shirley Ziglar. Zig has so many powerful quotes … Continue reading 14/31 “Who needs a check up…from the neck up?”
14/30 Good Health is Good Wealth - Aired July 29th  on Own Your Money with Jeff Forrest and his guest Chris Cucchiara  What is your most VALUABLE asset as you enter your Retirement and Golden Years?  Is it a super large IRA?  Is it a portfolio of cash flowing rental properties? Is it a nice pension, guaranteed for life?  My answer is:  D.  … Continue reading 14/30 Good Health is Good Wealth
14/29 Number ONE Safe Money Vehicle - Aired July 22nd-28th on Own Your Money with Jeff Forrest What is the Number ONE Safe Money Vehicle that can bring you instant POM? (Peace of Mind) It will SURPRISE you…..SHOCK you……and even…STIMULATE you!! It has been around now for over two hundred years….typically, it is not used effectively by your Stockbroker, your Financial Planner, … Continue reading 14/29 Number ONE Safe Money Vehicle
14/28 “Are you ready to pass the baton?” - Aired July 15th to 21st on Own Your Money with Jeff Forrest  Everybody RUN….you’re never going to get out of here alive!!  It’s true, eventually everyone…and that includes YOU…will get to take a trip to the hereafter.  BUT, before you go, perhaps there are a few items that you would like to take care of … Continue reading 14/28 “Are you ready to pass the baton?”
14/27 What is Safe Money….and Why do I need It? - Aired July 8th to 14th on Own Your Money with Jeff Forrest. What is Safe Money?  Is it cash that you stash in your mattress at home or in a jar in the back of your freezer or money that you have sitting in the bank?  Tune in next Tuesday, July 9th for our conversation:  … Continue reading 14/27 What is Safe Money….and Why do I need It?
14/26 “You Have Time” - Début Show Aired July 1 st on Own Your Money with Jeff Forrest “You Have Time” means that if you’re listening to my show, or are reading my bio, YOU STILL HAVE TIME, to become a better you and build improved relationships with yourself, your spouse, your children, your friends, and your community.  Even though … Continue reading 14/26 “You Have Time”

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