Metaphysical Insights

CosmicLionEASING THE SHIFTS WITH THE WISDOM OF THE CAT BEINGS as channelled through Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

Imaginal, Elemental, Angelic, Human, Integral & Creator. Mary facilitates deeper connection with the sacred area upon the Earth in which you currently reside empowering you to grow your relationship with the Earth in ways that nurture, feed and support you, the Earth and all living beings throughout the Cosmos.


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Show Host

Mystical Insights with Mary Elizabeth Hoffman


Having worked with the Cat Beings as guides and guardians since a very young child, Mary began consciously creatively working with them on her first trip to Egypt in the fall of 1986.

Mary has led workshops and trips to sacred sites around the world since 1986 on such subjects as astrology, personal growth, earth energies, earth changes, lost civilizations, prophecy, sacred geometry, the earths crystalline grid and alternative healing. She is an author, dowser, astrologer, tarot reader, teacher, minister, personal growth facilitator, healer and personal empowerment coach.

Founder and teacher of Alma*Stara Spirit School & Alma*Stara Publishing, Mary offers personal consultations, private lessons, mentorships, classes and workshops in co-creative manifestation working with all the Kingdoms of the Earth – Devic, Imaginal, Elemental, Angelic, Human, Integral & Creator. She facilitates deeper connection with the sacred area upon the Earth in which you currently reside empowering you to grow your relationship with the Earth in ways that nurture, feed and support you, the Earth and all living beings throughout the Cosmos.

Mary continues to facilitate journeys to a variety of sacred sites around the world offering the opportunity to participate in these life altering trips.  Contact her for current details on these journeys.

Through her channeling of wisdom teachings from the Cat Beings, the monthly Cat Beings Oracle published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence and various self published books such as Awakening the Cat: Gateway to Ancient Egyptian Feline Energies, Sekhmets Teachings: Changing Cords of Fear Into Chords of Love – Keys to Harmony With Self & Others, Tefnuts Techniques: Empowering Sacredness – Wisdom For Everyday Living, Seshats Secrets: An Introduction to Karmic Galactic Astrology as well as Balanced Reciprocity Intensives and private personal consultations Mary shares guidance for working with the incoming life altering energies in ways that encourage, enhance and empower the 3D journey on earth.


mary nowMary is available for private consultations giving fast paced direct readings focusing on creative, empowering solutions to lifeʼs challenges.
Consult her for questions on timing, relocation, health, career, finance, personal growth and relationships.

Mary uses astrology, tarot, psychic intuition, guidance, tools and techniques shared with her from the Egyptian Cat Beings.

Contact her at the website

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Mary Elizabeth Hoffman (Cat Beings) &

Cat Beings

Past Show Descriptions



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