14/37 Conscious Meditation with Pamela Lynch

Airing September 16th-22nd on Conscious Business with Pamela Lynch

Happy First Anniversary Pamela we are proud to have you on PLV RADIO 

imageskojToday’s show is Pamela Lynch’s one year anniversary on PLV-Radio. To celebrate she is taking you through a guided meditation, as this is one of her passions and gifts to the world. It is her pleasure to share with you what she considers three of the most important elements of meditation. It starts with simply with the ABCs: Awareness, Breath, and Consistency.

Pamela will also talk about why meditation is critical for your conscious business.

Pamela’s passion is to inspire women to say YES with courage, conviction and confidence to speak their truth and realize their self-worth. As a Business Growth Coach, she guides people to understand that your business grows when you do, and it begins with self-awareness and conscious choice.


Website: www.hotentrepreneur.com
E-Mail: pamelaleelynch@gmail.com
Linkedin: ca.linkedin.com/in/pamelalynch1/