TBT 17-52 Addiction. Finding your root, and rewriting the software.

“Thoughts Become Things: International”  with Neomaya Davila aka Neo Positivity and his guest Jim Pehkonen on air from December 25th

Jim Pehkonen is a Life Architect (Certified Transformative Coach) who specializes in working with business owners, upper managers, and entrepreneurs to dramatically transform their life.
His approach introduces out of the box modalities to help entrepreneurs understand the impact of their thinking on the bottom line results of their business. A little shift in thinking can have a monumental effect!
Jim’s personal style is intuitive and unique. His natural coaching instinct enables his clients to achieve tremendous results rapidly. He has the ability to pinpoint and transform individual limitations that others struggle to see. He is committed to helping his clients experience levels of success and fulfilment in a unique and incredible way.
What can you expect:
Together, we go for the jugular of change…an intense process based upon you and your life, not a canned program. Your life shifts within a year. Not for the faint of heart, for the fully committed …


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As the story unfolds and is understood anew, you will develop an awareness of the impact on your current life from a different angle. When you see the impact anew, it no longer holds on you and within a new freedom, you step into your authentic power … your life shifts into an incredible experience.