GUS19-06 TWO Revends speak about Religion today

The World According to GUS with Charles Eduardos, with his guest Rev Kimberly Braun, on air from February 5th Kimberly Braun, Minister, M.A., CSP and Meditation Coach has been devoted to meditation from the age of 5, with over ten of her years spent as a monastic nun. Kimberly’s  general thrust of teachings right now, … Continue reading GUS19-06 TWO Revends speak about Religion today

On Religion – to thine own Inner Faith to be True

In a time where religion has become a political tool and an industry, where do we find the meaning of our faith? How is religion serving us today and why is it not only dividing us but killing us in the name of a God, why have we misconstrued its true meaning and why are … Continue reading On Religion – to thine own Inner Faith to be True

C15/41 The New Pilgrims and a Renewal in Faith

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Dr. Joseph Castleberry aired October 13th-19th  Immigrants, the world is made up of them and now we are seeing a new renewal in faith because of  them. In The New Pilgrims, Dr. Castleberry provides an understanding of how immigrants are contributing to the renewal of American faith, … Continue reading C15/41 The New Pilgrims and a Renewal in Faith

On Religion – to thine own Faith to be True

All we see in the news these days are headlines telling us that another priest has molested another child, and that the church covered it up again. Yes the church has real issues and problems but could it be that you are asking something so unnatural of the priest that they cannot live up to? … Continue reading On Religion – to thine own Faith to be True