P14/33a The Flying Inspiration of the Feminine Cycle

 Positive Living Vibrations with Sara Troy and her guest Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel, aired in August 19th on.


Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel is also known as “The Flying Witch” due to her wit and passion for flying, she is an Italian linguist who started working in Italy as a tour leader, interpreter and then moved to UK. She worked in the travel business for several years and then, due to being made redundant from work, she decided to pursue her other passion in life, the human mind and it’s potential.

She trained in Neuro Linguistic Programming and investigated several alternative therapies like Reiki, Shiatsu, Aura Soma, the De Martini method, Macrobiotics, Do-in, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy, The Journey, The Work which all gave her a better and holistic understanding of the human being that we all are.

I am an author, speaker, visionary and coach who educates women about their feminine cycle and helps them gain confidence, authority and fulfillment from their body and in life. I became interested in this field because I was missing my cycles due to a very stressful period of my life and looked for help and information about menstruation.

I didn’t find much until I discovered Alexandra Pope and her work which opened up for me a whole new world: the feminine cycle and its energies. Since then my life hasn’t been the same! That’s why I am so passionate about this subject and I want to reach as many women as possible to share with them a more satisfying way to live and be empowered. Learning about our own feminine cycle also helps to communicate with our partners and the world in a better way, a more feminine way so that we can achieve better intimacy and better relationships.

Would you like to help me in my mission?

Since 2009 she helps women to discover their potential through their menstrual cycle, something that still to these days is considered taboo and is called “the curse”. She does workshops and personal sessions with women to share her knowledge and personal experience of her feminine cycle and with men to help them understand how women work and how to be an aware partner to deepen their intimate relationships.

Her vision is to create the woman of the XXI century who is totally in line with herself, her beliefs, her body and her vision so to re-harmonise the Planet and create a more harmonious way of living for both men and women.

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A Woman of the XXI Century, Author, Speaker and Feminine Cycle Consultant

Author of “Antarctic Odyssey a New Beginning

In 2008 she joined a group of people going to Antarctica to face their fears and limiting beliefs to test herself and put into action first hand in a dramatic way what she learnt and then pass it on to others. She wrote this book about it where she describes her inner journey while she was down under with penguins, seals and the ice.

‘Antarctic Odyssey A New Beginning’                                                  Click on book to buy 

Antarctic-CoverAn inspiring story of a woman reborn’

This is the story of my journey to the end of the world with a group of people who went to Antarctica in March 2008 to face fears and limiting beliefs.

I went to Antarctica to test myself and put into action first hand in a dramatic way what I learnt in my personal life journey and then pass it on to others.

In this book, I describe my inner journey while I was down under with penguins, seals and the ice.

Be a Flying Inspiration to the world!
A new way of living for women who want to fly in life!


Contact Pages/Contactme.aspx

More on your host Sara Troy and her many shows go to 


