LM 17-07 Chris Gill Shares the Music is in his Heart & Soul

“for the LOVE of Music” with Sara Troy and her guest Chris Gill, on air from February 14th


Chris Gill a native of Corner Brook, Newfoundland, is a captivating singer/songwriter whose lyrics are masterfully showcased by his passionate musicality and engaging performance. Chris is proficient on guitar and drums, and a natural on piano. The reality of his songs explores and challenges all that is country music.

Chris has been playing and writing music since the age of 9 and started playing the local clubs and Legions at age 13. Originally a drummer in numerous bands, he then became involved in vocals, and finally became the lead singer.

His songwriting began in his teenage years when he wrote and recorded 4 vinyl single releases, including “New York to California”. All received considerable airplay radio across Canada. Throughout the 90’s he released another three songs to the radio through compilation CDs and independent releases.

In 2003, his debut CD, “Tell Me How” a 14 song CD of all original compositions was released. The title track from this CD was nominated for Country Recording of the Year at the ECMA’s and positioned him at a feature songwriters circle at the Canadian Country Music Awards (CCMA).

In 2009, Chris released an all-origina Holiday CD, ‘This Is Christmas’. A blend of traditionally inspired songs with a modern twist. Touching to all who have love, children and the fun that the season brings.


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10468095_696928720397930_6729064091849266657_nHis most current project named ‘Gone’ is his most intimate to date and begins a new chapter in his musical career. It is an exploration of contemporary country with a mix of rock and hint of youthful influences. chris-gill-text Poem

His songwriting talents have been recognized by Barbara Cloyd of the Bluebird café, Ralph Murphy at the CCMA’s, and USA Billboard magazine honored him with an achievement award in their international songwriting competition. Chris has also been a three-time semi-finalist in the annual “Startrax” competition and a regional “Project Discovery” semi-finalist, which recognizes the original music.

Chris had a hand in all aspects of producing his CD’s, from writing, composing, mixing, and arranging all tracks. As well as, overseeing CD graphics and design work. He is proud to say that his projects are a 100% testament to the talented team of producers, musicians, and stakeholders he has had the pleasure to work with.

Wherever he is, guitar, pen, and paper are never far away. Music is in his heart and soul and will always be his first love. Chris currently resides in Truro, Nova Scotia and is a father of three.

Lest We Forget a song for the Veterans 

 Some of his songs to listen to here 





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