C15/40b Cooking changes Everything

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Darya Rose originally aired October 6th/15 Cooking changes everything says Darya Rose who is the creator of Summer Tomato. The quality of time you spend in the kitchen is just the start of how learning to cook without recipes will change your life. Health is central to the … Continue reading C15/40b Cooking changes Everything

P14/16b Mental illness is a nutrient deficiency disorder Q96 is an answer.

Positive Living Vibrations with Sara Troy and her guests, originally Aired on April 24th  Suma Nathen, Tony Stephan, and Loren Tikka. Mental illness is on the rise, stress, leading to anxiety, depression, suicide as well as ADD, OCD and many more disorders are being treated with harmful drugs. We are going to open our minds to a nutrient … Continue reading P14/16b Mental illness is a nutrient deficiency disorder Q96 is an answer.