BB20-43 Anne Gottwald creating “My Resume Reel”

Building your business with Sara Troy and her guest Annie Gottwald, on air from October 20th

Annie’s “Why”

At the beginning of COVID, I became a single mother of 7. My significant other not only left but he took the family business with him. I had one month to find a job or figure out a way to monetize an income and support the family that was relying on me and I did not know what I was going to do.

Instead of panicking, I decided to hit the pause button and look around to see what I already had that I could monetize.  My oldest daughter and I started discussing what was going on in the world and what skills she and I both had and then this idea came into her head about how artists use reels to audition and not just a resume. They share themselves and their talents before they even get a call. Why was the business world not doing this same thing? We needed to make it.

The purpose and benefit of My Resume Reel is to help the 20Million unemployed workers stand out among a sea of over-saturated candidates and to help recruiters shorten their recruitment time exponentially. They get to meet, see, relate to & understand the type of person that the job seeker is before they even make a call or get on a social media site.

We are on 4 sites and 14 audio and 2 video platforms as seen here.

  Soundcloud  ITunes  iHEART  Anchor
  Spotify,   Google play,   Vurbl Podchaser
  Radio Public.  Breaker,Stitcher  Audry
 Launchpad  Youtube   Osysee Mixcloud

Self Discovery Media. Self Discovery Community  Hub of Discovery  Choose Positive Living

Who is Anne Gottwald?

Anne is a mother of 7, an entrepreneur and former fortune 500 leader who has spent countless hours recruiting, hiring, training, mentoring, leading and teaching other leaders how to hire the right talent for the right positions. She built her own career around empowering people to reach their best career potential by highlighting their unique talents and going after the passions that are on their hearts.

Anne has designed resumes and cover letters for over 15 years and when the great pandemic of 2019 hit and millions were losing their jobs, she knew that a resume was no longer enough and that she had to help. So, she and her daughter invented My Resume Reel™.