BB23-07. Cassandra Little, Energy Behind Your Brand & Website.

Building Your Business with Sara Troy and her guest Cassandra Little, on air from February 14th

Energy is something that is felt or experienced. As a highly sensitive individual, my awareness was highly in tune with the frequency of everything around me. I was consciously aware of my outer environment, my inner environment and everything in between. As a creative, and as many creatives know, it’s harder to create when you are stressed, or distracted, or focused on anything other than the task at hand. I struggled for many years to move forward in my business because there was too much energy working against me, and not enough supporting me. The biggest thing that made a difference for me was working with scalar energy tools and incorporating various energy practices that help me to connect more easily with what I call the flow state. In this space, I am supported, expansive and feel more connected to my authentic self – where everything just flows. As I continually worked to strengthen this muscle and be in this creative flow, the natural momentum of things would build and come into my life – clients, connections, relationships, opportunities. This led me to want to show others that there is a different way – a different way to doing business. We aren’t met to force, or push, or manipulate our businesses – this goes against the natural rhythm of flow. Can we connect and sit in our inner frequency, and allow this to be the invitation to opening us into creating an abundant business?

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I’ve never been big on labels but if I would to give myself a title I would say I am an Intuitive Designer & Alignment Facilitator. How I got here was a merging of two worlds… I originally studied and went to school for graphic and website design. This ignited my passion for creation, and design. This led me to dive deeper into the digital world, learning all things about marketing, analytics, websites, emails, design, social media. I worked with many start up entrepreneurs helping them establish and create their online presence. Although I loved it, there was a part of me that felt like something was missing. So I ventured into more of the spiritual side of things, learning various different kinds of energetic and healing modalities – reiki, subtle aromatherapy, soulful communication, light healing, thai massage, sound healing, metaphysical anatomy technique – to name a few. I loved supporting people to shed the layers they needed to connect with their innermost self, and move forward in creating the life they deserved. So here I was with two passions, both in two seemingly different worlds that felt quite opposite from each other. 

Fast forward to today, I help clients develop an authentic brand, and create a website that matches with the essence of who they are. Along with this I use different techniques and tools to energetically support them in moving into a coherent space within them so they can go forward and weave that energy into their business.

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