18-48 Books for Giving this Season

Sara Troy On Sara’s View Of Life, on air from November 27th

Ideas for Christmas shopping this year BOOKS, here some of the books that will invite and inspire your lives.

Books are a wonderful gift, for they keep giving even after you have read them. I invite to take a look and listen to some of my authors here An Author’s Kiss   



Here are just some of the books that had an impact on my this year and that will make great gifts.


Sam Hawksmoor and his thrillers on murder, cons, romance and a dog. Sam Hawksmoor

Singer, author Joe Colman put a song together on choices for children, a great sing-along and message. Joe’s full story here.  Joe Coleman.

A ForEver Family by Rob Scheer  all about fostering and adopting children as guy men and the childhood abuse that Rob grew up with, a story of courage love and caring and making a difference in the lives of foster children.

Echo in Ramadi Scott Huesing.    A Veteran’s story of comradery courage and respect and the impact it has had on veterans today.

The Missing Piece by Bud Boughton,   a book that had a profound effect on my view of life.

Kid Zoom the Vegan Kid. Gillian Megan Walters  A mother and son who fight for the rights of animals everywhere.

How to Handle Grief in the Holidays, with David Kessler One-third of the population will experience Holiday Grief  David Kessler, grief expert, gives 7 solutions for help.

The Three Rooms: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life by Kevin Murphy,What “Room” Are You In? The “Room” In Which Your Thoughts Reside Will Determine Your Quality of Business Success, Personal Relationships, Happiness & More!

Seeds and Trees by Brandon WaldenSeeds and Trees is a beautifully illustrated story about the power of words that we speak to our children.

Children of the Revolution A Spiritual Journey to Burma and Buddhism – A Powerful and Compelling Story of Heroism & Hope By Feroze Dada.

The Movie Lover’s Guide to the Law of Attraction, by Brent Marchant. A lifelong movie fan and longtime student of metaphysics and the consciousness in movies.

WE CONSCIOUSNESS: 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace, by Karen Noe’   Hay House Author & Renowned Psychic Medium Brings Forth Vital Guidance From Wayne Dyer and The WE Consciousness Guides

Spiritual Interpretations of Your Dreams  BY Clementina Marie Giovannetti.  Clementina guides the reader through various types of nightly visions and provides them with profound spiritual interpretations and positive affirmations.

The Wisdom of Listening. Pieces of Gold from a Decade of Interviewing BY Marilyn R. Wilson.Within these pages Marilyn shares some of the many pieces of gold she has received over her decade-long career.

A Course In Mastering Alchemy  BY Jim Self and Roxane Burnett   A Course in Mastering Alchemy is a Course in Miracles for the 21st century, reaching far beyond that earlier programme by incorporating the significant leap in human consciousness that has been occurring since the 1980’s.

Why Can’t Grammy Remember Me? Dan Perkins   Veterans and Alzheimer’s and in how we see it all. 

 DE-ESCALATE Your Life by Douglas Noll  Noll‘s highly-anticipated De-Escalate: How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less

Paris Nights by Cliff Simon. Cliff Simon, a film and television actor, is best known for his role as the 5 season recurring villain Ba’al in the Sci-Fi thriller, Stargate and the movie ,Stargate Continuum.

JESUS SAVES BIKERS TOO! by Dave Cole What The Church Can Learn From Harley-Davidson. Cole, is also the Associate Network Leader and Assistant Superintendent at the Northwest Ministry Network.

Lone Wolf Canyon by S.C.Sherman. He has written across several genres pushing the envelope of political correctness with each one. His novels include: Leaving Southfields, a historical fiction; Hell and Back, a spiritual thriller; Moxie, a young adult fantasy; and Mercy Shot, a political thriller.

Behind the door by A. Gavazzoni.  When the beautiful architect Lara dies at Manhattan lawyer Mark’s hand during a sex game at her summer house in the Hamptons, Carl, Mark’s defence attorney, hires Simone, a psychiatrist, professor and author of books on sexual behaviour to help him buttress his argument that Lara’s death was accidental.

Remembering the Light Within by Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick, Founding Faculty and Co-Directors of the University of Santa Monica, the Worldwide Center for the Study and Practice of Spiritual Psychology.

Girl with CAT BLUE by Sam Hawksmoor, Youth genre that takes us into different dimensions why we explore ourselves through these characters.   Sam owns Hack Writers Magazine.

Keith Leon S. authoring Walking With My Angels. Thirty years ago, Keith Leon S. received a message from angels. He was told that he would write a book that would change lives.

Tom Leihbacher, A Gift Most Rare.    A STORY OF YOUTH WHO SAVE CHRISTMAS.

Rev. Rick Cole. Incarnate: Jesus Among the Broken  Do what is right, not what is easy. If anybody has taken this message to heart, it’s Rick Cole. Over his 25 years as Senior Pastor at Capital Christian Center in Sacramento, Rev. Rick Cole has been an active ally for social justice, taking a hands-on approach to issues of racial reconciliation and homelessness in his community as well as serving countries all around the world by leading teams through global mission work

OTHERS. gabriels-journey-with-nora-rose





Multiple book author Brian Benson 


More books can be found here An Author’s Kiss 

and Discovery’s Book Store

