22-13 Pearls of Wisdom …Prioritizing.

Sara’s View of Life with Sara Troy, on air from March 29th

What are you prioritizing in your life? are you pacing yourself, are you making time for family, friends, your health, and well beingness?, if not why not?

We are all busy, either trying to achieve a goal or just survive the constant changes in the world. By Prioritizing what really is important in life, we not only slow down but really enjoy life in a more meaningful way.

Life is not just about reaching a goal, if you do not reach it as planned, that is ok, maybe you were meant to do it differently or maybe that was not meant to be your goal at all. We spend so much time trying to live up to expectations, that we miss the point of living and valuing those around us. Yes you want to achieve something, but ask yourself the real reason why and who it really is for, also ask yourself, is it worth costing yourself to do it.

When we truly ask ourselves why we are doing it, why it is so important to us and really get honest from within ourselves, then we know how to prioritize our actions and live a more rounded whole wondrous life.

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