22-28 Taking the time to do…..

Sara’s View of Life with Sara Troy, on air from July

Why do we feel guilty in taking time for our selves? Why do we feel pressured to be active every moment always doing never still? It is because we have bought this idea that we need to be always building in order to achieve. I disagree, stillness, taking time away, reflection, re directing it essential in our success and guides us on a path that we are meant to be on, not a societies dictation.

I am shutting down for 3 weeks in the summer, one week to see family and friends, 2 weeks to write my book ( or get as much as I can in that time) I have started, but always there is something else I am meant to do, like shows, looking after my Grandson (which I love to do) and attending to my senior lady friend who always wants to go out.

It is ok to say NO, not now, I need time, got something else on, maybe later, or I simply can’t do it. It is your boundary, your choice and you have the right to do it. Time management is so important, equally so when it allows you to just have time to be you, or do that something you want to do, but life has got in the way of.

So I will not be bringing you shows after July 28th until August 30th, and I will be concentrating on my book, and the book invite for the Forgotten Children book series.

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