BB22-44. Vicki Noethling & Our Message.

Building your business with Sara Troy and her guest Vicki Noethling, on air from October 25th

I have been coaching and mentoring speakers for over 26 years.  I remember one woman who was speaking to a group of 10 people.  She was shaking and looking like she was going to be ill. Engaging her with simple questions in a conversational tone, allowed her to take her mind off speaking and relax.  Her whole body changed and she actually began to smile.  That is when I knew I had to help others get past the fear of the “speech” and just relax with the fact that it’s just a conversation. So many fail to connect with their audience because they are not being authentic or allowing themselves to be vulnerable. But it is in lowering those walls, that we allow others to connect and our message to be heard.  

I would like to talk about why it is so important that we work on how we present our messages online and in person.  We spend time trying to write down the words that will reach our audience and fill a need, but often neglect examining how we are delivering that message.  From video to the stage, our impact is tied to how comfortable and authentic we are in sharing our message.  If we don’t connect, our message will get lost.  My mission is to work with you to make that impact to show up and nail that next presentation or meeting ensuring your presence will lead you to greater profits.

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Being the 2nd of seven children, Vicki knew college was not in the cards, so she got a part-time job and put herself through a 6-month business school in Pittsburgh.  Upon graduation she continued to work two jobs and looked for as many personal and professional development tapes, books, or courses she could find. The thirst for learning continued and eventually she found herself working for a large transportation company in Atlanta. Here she learned to embrace change and go outside of her comfort zone.  It was also where she was introduced to Toastmasters. She then spent the next 3 decades mentoring, coaching, training, and stepping outside that comfort zone. Her journey has been and continues to be fueled with a passion for life-long learning and helping others see their potential and slay their next presentation or zoom! Her message to all is stop fearing that next big speech, presentation or sales call – just remember – It’s Just A Conversation. Relax, smile and enjoy the journey it will take you on.


Slay Your Next Video – 30 Minute chat



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