21-34 Letting Optimism Drive

Sara’s View of Life with Sara Troy, on air from August 31st

Letting Optimism Drive, keeping the possibilities alive, and choosing to see things from higher vibrations will always show us the way forward. It is so easy to see everything wrong, but if we change our lenses we can see what is right also. Choosing to be optimistic allows for those positive vibrations to rise up.

From there we see the possibilities and know from our heart and soul what we need to do to make it happen. We can not see clearly in judgment, righteousness, in pain, in fear, or anger, they consume our reasoning. To really have the clarity you have to raise up those vibes and allow that clarity to come from a higher place. Only then can we really see that being optimistic is positive and invites that clear vision of knowingness to come through.

Being optimistic is not being a daydreamer, or having your head in the clouds, it is about choosing to see from a different angle and being open to all possibilities without persecution of judgments. If we seed those optimistic possibilities each and every day, we will bear the fruits of that labor.

So let us embrace this wonderful word, let us see each other from different lenses, let us be open to other points of view, and let us not condemn our friends because they see things differently. Be open be present, be engaged, be heartful, and allow optimism to show you the way to clarity and exuberant possibilities.

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