C22-14 LisaBeth Thomas “Finding your Power through Loss.”

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest LisaBeth Thomas, on air from April 5th

“What jazzes me? Helping people discover fears that sabotage their relationships and success and the difference it makes in their lives!”

All of us have fears; some are healthy and some are unhealthy.  Unhealthy fears can keep us trapped in negative behaviors or situations that can lead to anxiety and lack of production and success. In this show, you’ll discover the fear that is subconsciously sabotaging your actions and create a strategy to outwit it.  

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With over 30 years of experience creating successful advertising and public relations campaigns and as an award-winning producer, LisaBeth “LB” Thomas continues to be regarded as one of the most respected women in her field. Her pathway to success wasn’t always easy. Due to her divorce, she lost her home and her business. She was devastated and didn’t think it could get any worse, but it did – her mom passed away as she was preparing to close on her home. All this destroyed her confidence and belief in herself. Through the struggle, she uncovered the deep-seated fears that were sabotaging her life. Her courage and determination not only turned a spotlight on those fears, but she also turned her tragedies into triumphs. LB inspires others to dig deep to uncover their inner strength and find their power through loss.

A lot can happen in 10 years — just ask LisaBeth Thomas.

A decade ago, Thomas’s career as a film and video producer was in high gear. Her credits included a wide swath of work from movies like “Hope Floats” to TV shows “Real Life with Gerald Mann,” plus commercials like a campaign celebrating the 20th anniversary of Amy’s Ice Creams.

Referrals, such as from GSD&M to produce Anheuser-Busch commercials for the Keep Texas Beautiful recycling campaign, fueled growth that turned her little Austin production company, LBTJ, into a seven-figure agency handling everything from marketing to media buys.

But of her creations, she is most proud of being one of the original five founders of Texas Women in Business, a nonprofit women’s group dedicated to fostering personal and professional growth along with pooling resources to give back to the community through philanthropy. The group celebrates its 10-year anniversary in 2020.






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