23-46. Finishing up the year.

Sara’s View of Life with Sara Troy, on air from November 14th

As the year draws to a close, that ever-present sense of urgency looms over us. We’re left wondering how we can manage to tie up loose ends, meet our goals, and make room for new beginnings in 2024, all while allowing ourselves the simple pleasure of just being in the moment.

The challenge lies in striking that delicate balance between productivity and mindfulness. It’s crucial to create a clear plan to wrap up any outstanding tasks and projects, prioritizing what needs immediate attention. Break these tasks into manageable chunks, allocate specific time slots for them, and stay disciplined.

But it’s equally important to carve out dedicated time for reflection and planning for the year ahead. What are your aspirations for 2024? What new projects or goals do you want to pursue? Taking some quiet moments to contemplate these questions can help set a clear direction.

And let’s not forget the importance of ‘just being.’ Amid the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s essential to find moments of peace and relaxation. Whether it’s spending time with loved ones, pursuing a hobby, or simply taking a leisurely walk in nature, these moments of serenity recharge our spirits and allow us to appreciate the present.

For me, the year-end rush isn’t just about wrapping up my annual projects; it’s also about ushering two books into publication and ensuring they receive the attention they deserve. One of these projects involves hosting an Authors Anthology Summit for the “Our Forgotten Children” book. While I still have some chapters to edit, it’s clear that certain aspects need to be accomplished by year-end, while others can benefit from a fresh start in the new year.

The key is to prioritize and strategize effectively. Finishing up the annual projects may take precedence, ensuring a strong finish for the current year. This allows me to focus on the book projects with renewed energy in the beginning of the year.

The Authors Anthology Summit can be a great way to kick off the new year, but that is going to be in December to promote the pre order of the book. Instead the new year will be authors hour, where people can ask the authors questions on their chapter and experiences, creating excitement and anticipation around the book and what its message really is. As we move forward, we can carefully plan the release and marketing strategies, ensuring that these books ( mine included) receive the recognition they deserve.

In this way, we can strike a balance between wrapping up the old and ushering in the new, allowing us to achieve our goals while also finding moments of peace and relaxation during this busy season.

So, as we navigate the final days of this year, let’s embrace the urgency to complete our tasks, the excitement of new beginnings, and the tranquility of being in the here and now. In this delicate dance, we can find harmony and fulfillment.

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Saras book coming soon