C23-48. Misty Laboy, Self Love Mentor

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Misty Laboy, on air from November 28th

Join a discussion on such profound and multifaceted topics like self-love & self-acceptance, radical honesty, spiritual journeys, plant medicine, living your truth, open marriage, ethical non-monogamy, self-confidence, and body image, offers a rich ground for exploration and learning. Here are some insights and questions that could contribute to the conversation: Here are some insights and questions that could contribute to the conversation:

  1. Self-Love & Self-Acceptance: These are foundational for personal growth and happiness. Discussing how to cultivate self-love in a world that often promotes unrealistic standards can be enlightening. How do different cultures and societies view and encourage self-love?
  2. Radical Honesty: This concept involves being truthful to oneself and others, including in uncomfortable situations. How does practicing radical honesty impact personal relationships and self-perception? Are there limits to how and when it should be applied?
  3. Spiritual Journey: Spirituality can take many forms and doesn’t necessarily have to be tied to religion. What are various ways people embark on spiritual journeys? How do these journeys impact their worldview and inner peace?
  4. Plant Medicine: Discussing the use of plants for healing, both physically and mentally, opens up a conversation about traditional and alternative medicine practices. How have different cultures utilized plant medicine, and what is its role in modern healthcare?
  5. Living Your Truth: This can mean different things to different people. What does it mean to live authentically in today’s world, and how does one balance personal truths with societal expectations?
  6. Open Marriage and Ethical Non-Monogamy: These are important topics in the context of modern relationships. How do couples navigate these waters while maintaining trust and respect for each other? What are the misconceptions and challenges?
  7. Self-Confidence & Body Image: In a world bombarded with images of ‘ideal’ bodies and lifestyles, fostering self-confidence and a healthy body image is crucial. How do media and culture influence our perceptions of ourselves, and what can be done to promote a healthier view?

Each of these topics is a deep well of discussion in itself, and together, they weave a complex tapestry of human experience and psychology. The key in such a discussion is to maintain openness, respect, and a willingness to understand diverse perspectives.

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I’m Misty Laboy, a Master Makeup Artist, Weight Loss Advisor, and Self-Love Mentor. My journey began as an art student selling Cosmetics to put myself through college and support my family. Along the way, I discovered my passion for helping women transform inside and out. Despite achieving success in my career, I struggled with my weight until I found that diets don’t work, but lifestyle changes do. This realization led me to the top 2% of my company and a mission to help others shed pounds and gain confidence. However, my own journey toward self-love was the most profound transformation of all. In 2020, I hit a low point and embarked on a spiritual self-love journey, healing addiction and finding inner fulfillment. Now, I empower women to discover their worth beyond appearances, as I did. Join me in embracing self-love and manifesting a life that exceeds your wildest dreams!





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