IG24-16. Heather Taylor, 5 Elements of You

Ignite Your Heart and Soul with Sara Troy and her guest Heather Taylor, on air from April 16th

 The Five Elements of You: Unlocking Your Core for Transformation

Have you ever felt lost, unsure of your path or purpose? As someone who has faced immense adversity and trauma, I intimately understand the struggle to find yourself amidst life’s challenges. My journey of self-discovery and healing led me to develop the “Five Elements of You” – a powerful framework for understanding and aligning the fundamental aspects of your being. No matter your age, background, beliefs or aspirations, the five elements are the gateway to your authentic self. They shed light on how you navigate the world, attract experiences, and process your inner landscape. By diving deep within and embodying these elements, I transformed my life from one of pain to one of purpose. Now, I’m passionate about sharing this wisdom to guide others on their own paths of growth and fulfillment. Whether you seek to thrive in business, cultivate deeper relationships, or live in alignment with your highest self, mastering the five elements will provide the clarity and tools you need. Join me on this journey of uncovering, balancing and celebrating the magnificent being you truly are. Together, we’ll walk the most direct path to your joy and the legacy you’re meant to create. The time to embody your divinity is now – are you ready to embrace the Five Elements of You?

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Meet Heather Taylor, the inspirational force behind Get Taylored!, a wellness haven in the serene Mt. Shasta, California. Heather’s journey from adversity to triumph, from wheelchair to walking wellness expert, is a testament to her resilience and determination. A decade of confinement became the crucible for her transformative self-development path that now forms the heart of Get Taylored!

Known as the ‘5D Producer’, Heather brings the perfect balance of collaboration, clarity, and integrity to every creation she touches. With over two decades of experience in life coaching and metaphysics, she has mastered the art of aligning the five elements – mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and ethereal. Her unique framework, the “5 Elements of You,” has empowered countless individuals to unlock their potential and create lasting wellness.

Journey with Heather, step into the sanctuary of Get Taylored!, and let her experiential wisdom light the way on your path to wholeness. Are you ready to discover the transformative power of aligning your 5 elements?





Links to part 1 and part 2 of Season Three Finale of Interview with Ed.

Part 1: 

Part 2:



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